Testi e canzoni

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Yeah, you got that yummy-yum
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy
Yeah, you got that yummy-yum
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy
Say the word, on my way
Yeah, babe, yeah, babe, yeah, babe
Any night, any day
Say the word, on my way
Yeah, babe, yeah, babe, yeah, babe
In the mornin` or the late
Say the word, on my way
Bona fide stallion
Ain`t in no stable, no, you stay on the run
Ain`t on the side, you`re number one
Yeah, every time I come around, you get it done
Fifty-fifty, love the way you split it
Hundred racks, help me spend it, babe
Light a match, get litty, babe
That jet set, watch the sunset kinda, yeah, yeah
Rollin` eyes back in my head, make my toes curl, yeah, yeah
Yeah, you got that yummy-yum
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy
Yeah, you got that yummy-yum
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy
Say the word, on my way
Yeah, babe, yeah, babe, yeah, babe
Any night, any day
Say the word, on my way
Yeah babe, yeah babe, yeah babe
In the mornin` or the late
Say the word, on my way
Standin` up, keep me on the rise
Lost control of myself, I`m compromised
You`re incriminating, no disguise
And you ain`t never runnin` low on supplies
Fifty-fifty, love the way you split it
Hundred racks, help me spend it, babe
Light a match, get litty, babe
That jet set, watch the sunset kinda, yeah, yeah
Rollin` eyes back in my head, make my toes curl, yeah, yeah
Yeah, you got that yummy-yum
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy (You stay flexin` on me)
Yeah, you got that yummy-yum (Yeah, yeah)
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy
Say the word, on my way
Yeah, babe, yeah, babe, yeah, babe (Yeah, babe)
Any night, any day
Say the word, on my way
Yeah babe, yeah babe, yeah babe (Yeah, babe)
In the mornin` or the late
Say the word, on my way
Hop in the Lambo`, I`m on my way
Drew House slippers on with a smile on my face
I`m elated that you are my lady
You got the yum, yum, yum, yum
You got the yum, yum-yum, woah
Yeah, you got that yummy-yum
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy
Yeah, you got that yummy-yum
That yummy-yum, that yummy-yummy
Say the word, on my way
Yeah, babe, yeah, babe, yeah, babe (Yeah, babe)
Any night, any day
Say the word, on my way
Yeah, babe, yeah, babe, yeah, babe (Yeah, babe)
In the mornin` or the late
Say the word, on my way

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