Testi Canzoni e Video

Guarda il video di DON`T BE SO SHY
(Il video è un link al portale youtube.com)


Don`t Be so Shy
Don`t be shy
Don`t be shy
Don`t be shy
Don`t be shy
Take a breath
Rest your head
Close your eyes
You`re alright
Just lay down
Turn my side
Do you feel my heat
On your skin
Take off your clothes
Blow out the fire
Don`t be so shy
You`re right
You`re right
Take off my clothes
Oh bless me father
Don`t ask me why
You`re right
You`re right
Home, I stay
I`m in, come in
Do you feel my hips
In your hands
And I`m laying down
By your side
I taste the sweet
Of your skin
Take off your clothes
Blow out the fire
Don`t be so shy
You`re right
You`re right
Take off my clothes
Oh bless me father
Don`t ask me why
You`re right
You`re right
In my heart dress
Raise so much faster
I drawn myself in holy water
And both my eyes
Just got so much brighter
And I saw God
Oh yeah so much closer
In the dark
I see your smile
Do you feel my heat
On my skin
Take off your clothes
Blow out the fire
Don`t be so shy
You`re alright
You`re alright
Take off my clothes
Oh bless me father
Don`t ask me why
You`re alright
You`re alright
Take off your clothes
Blow out the fire
Don`t be so shy
You`re alright
You`re alright
Take off my clothes
Oh bless me father
Don`t ask me why
You`re alright
You`re alrightt
Take off your clothes
Blow out the fire
Don`t be so shy
You`re alright
You`re alright
Take off my clothes
Oh bless me father
Don`t ask me why
You`re alright
You`re alright
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